Love Life Ministry

Touching People with the Healing Power of God’s Love

Love Lifted Me

I was sinking deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore,
Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more;
But the Master of the sea Heard my despairing cry,
From the waters lifted me–Now safe am I.

Quintin McChristian

He Healed Me!!!

Every day I used to be carried to the Beautiful temple gate because I couldn’t walk. I would sit there all day begging for money. Sometimes I would get a little, sometimes I would get a lot. On some days, I got nothing at all. Still, I kept going because that was my only hope for survival. I had gotten used to it and I was very comfortable being cripple, having been born this way from my mother’s womb. One day, these two guys came by. I heard somebody call one of them Peter and the other John. When they stopped and told me to look at them, I thought I was in for a big pay day. But to my disappointment, they said they didn’t have any money to give me. I had heard that many times before from many others passing by. But still – my heart sunk with sadness. Then, the big guy, the one they called Peter, said he had something better to give me. He grabbed me by the hand and before I say a word he shouted out, “In the name of Jesus, rise up and walk!” Man, I felt something I had never felt before. There was this sensation in my legs that felt like fire. Then I felt strength. I stood up and I could hardly believe it. I could walk. I could run. I could leap. I decided in that moment that I would spend the rest of my life praising God.

Lame Man


A few years ago (2018), I was having an issue with my health and was experiencing pain that was debilitating. One night, being in excruciating pain, I went into the bathroom and just sat next to the tub. After lots of tears and just writhing in pain, a scripture came to mind. Luke 8:43-48 talks about the woman who had an issue with blood and touched Jesus’ garment, and she was instantly healed. Remembering that scripture, I silently prayed to God asking Him to heal me from my ailment. Though there wasn’t a garment for me to grab, there was a hand towel hanging up and I reached up and pulled it down. I prayed and cried into the towel then got up and went back into my room. The next morning, expecting to be in pain, I was not. The issue I was having had disappeared. God healed me that night and I have not had the issue since then.

Andrea Blodgett